Holiday Warning: Keeping the Easter Lily Away From Your Cat
Holiday Warning from Island Animal Hospital: Keeping the Easter Lily Away From Your Cat
This March, families around the country will be getting ready to celebrate the Easter holiday early, as it is celebrated on April 1st! When preparing your home for the upcoming holiday, it is important to remember that not all decorations are considered pet-safe. One of the most common dangers for pets during the Easter holiday is the Easter Lily, a flower which can be potentially fatal when eaten by your cat.
The Easter Lily.
The Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum) is a flower which is often associated with Easter holiday due to its beautiful white tone. Because of this association, this flower is heavily purchased leading up to the Easter holiday. Many of these flowers can be seen throughout shops, homes, churches, and restaurants as the holiday approaches.
The Dangers.
Although Lilies can make for a great Easter decoration, the Easter Lily is considered to be extremely dangerous if a cat is in your home. As little as one to two leaves of this plant consumed by a cat can lead to death. In addition to the plant itself being considered dangerous, pet owners should also prevent their cat from being near one at all. Even water from a vase that is holding an Easter Lily can cause liver damage to your cat.
What to Do in the Event Your Pet is Poisoned:
Pet poisoning from household items is a common occurrence. In 2016, the AVMA reported its poison control hotline received over 180,639 cases.
If you feel your pet is displaying signs of pet poisoning, it is important that you seek veterinary care immediately. Signs that your cat has been poisoned by an easter lily include:
- Inappetance
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Urinating Uncontrollably
- Dehydration
- Seizures
- Hiding